Happy Mothers Day

This day is one that is super close to my heart.  We struggled through infertility for 3 years.  3 rounds of IVF, what seemed like a million shots, medications, swelling, bruising, heart wrenching.  It was a dark time in my life.  How painful Mothers Day was for me.  How desperately I wanted my baby.  How lost I felt.  Then my miracle Oliver came through the amazing gift of adoption, and in an instant, I understood.  I knew why nothing had worked, why we had to struggle, we had to wait for him, and he was worth it.  Every bit of it.  Then Sophie came.  She gave me the gift of experiencing birth from the other end.  Her birth was difficult to put it lightly.  My recovery after was complicated several times, it was scary, it took me a long long time to feel human again.  But you know what?  She was worth it too.  Every bit of it.

My heart goes out to those Momma’s who aren’t technically Momma’s yet.  You know what I think?  I think anyone that wants a child that bad, that is willing to go through anything to get their baby here, you are already a Momma.  Only a Mom is that selfless.  I love you.  I’m hugging you right now.  Your babies will come.  Everything will make sense.  And they will be worth it.

Here is the Nelson Family.  There is something so amazing and unique about a newborn session with first time parents.  Every single baby brings more joy and light to a family than I can put into words, but there is a little something extra about a first baby being captured this way.  It’s so new, so exciting, so joyful and I just love it.  Hope you can see it like I can in these.