I have been waiting and waiting for this friends… and now, it’s here!
I have teamed up with some AMAZING women to bring you this incredible contest.  A team in Southern and Northern Utah for a winner on each end of the state.  Much like the “Style My Kid” contest, each winner will get a FREE Senior girl session, including professional hair, makeup and styling by these incredibly gifted women.  My southern Utah team will include Latisha Springer of The Girl in the Yellow Dress, and Cara Killpack of MaskCara.  My Northern Utah team will include Jade Baird of Kissable Complexions and Amanda Sanchez of Little Miss Fearless. The clothes and goodies are on us.  Oh yes.
Here is how it works girls…
You must be a current high school senior or heading into your senior year this Fall. Â You must email a photo of yourself to me by March 20th(extended deadline) to tracylayneportraits@gmail (dot) com or go to the contact tab at the top of my website. Â After all of the entries are in, I will post a photo album on my Facebook page for southern Utah entries and an album for northern Utah entries.
Then the voting begins. Â You will get votes by sending people to “like” your photo on my facebook page. Â Additional votes will be given for the following: Â (and trust me, you want to be following all of these)
1.) Â Each person who subscribes to vendors websites/blogs (so each person can get you 5 votes this way by following all vendors)
2.) Each person who follows the vendors Facebook pages, which can be found through the links above on their websites (again, 5 votes by following all vendors)
3.) Sharing this contest on Instagram and following me there. @tracylayneportraits hashtag #tlpgiveaway  Make sure to use the hash tag so I can see it.
Please leave a comment on THIS POST for EACH thing you do and who your vote is for.
Ready… Set… GO!
Good luck!
I subscribe to Little Miss Fearless! And I vote for Makenzie Brumble! 🙂
I subscribe to Maskcara! and I vote for makenzie Brumble!
I follow The Girl in The Yellow Dress! and I vote for makenzie Brumble! 🙂
I follow Kissable Complexions and I vote for Makenzie Brumble!
I follow you! I vote for Makenzie Brumble!
I follow you on FB, I vote for Makenzie Brumble!
I follow Little Miss Fearless on FB! I vote for Makenzie Brumble!
I follow Girl in the Yellow Dress on FB! and I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I follow MaskCara on FB! I vote for Makenzie Brumble!
I follow Kissable Complexions on FB! I vote for Makenzie Brumble!
I subscribed to Girl in the Yellow Dress I VOTE FOR KATELIN JOHNSON
I subscribed to Maskcara I VOTE FOR KATELIN JOHNSON
I subscribed to Kissable I VOTE FOR KATELIN JOHNSON
I subscribed to Little Miss Fearless I VOTE FOR KATELIN JOHNSON
I liked Girl In the Yellow Dress on FB I VOTE FOR KATELIN JOHNSON
I liked Kissable Complexions on FB I VOTE FOR KATELIN JOHNSON
I liked Little Miss Fearless on FB I VOTE FOR KATELIN JOHNSON
I subscribed to your site. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Girl in the yellow dress. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Girl in the yellow dress on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked your fb page. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Kissable Complextions on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Kissable Complextions. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Maskcara. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Maskcara on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Little Miss Fearless. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Little Miss Fearless on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to your website. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Tracy Lane Portraits on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Girl in the Yellow Dress on FB> I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subcribed to Girl in Yellow Dress. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Kissable Complextions on fb. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Kissable Complextions. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Maskcara. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Maskcara on FB> I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Little Miss Fearless. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked LIttle Miss Fearless on FB> I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to The Girl in the Yellow Dress! Vote for AMY!
I subscribed to MaskCara! I’m voting for AMY!
I subscribed to Kissable Complexions. Voting for AMY!
I subscribed to Little Miss Fearless. Voting for AMY!
I liked The Girl in the Yellow Dress on FB. Vote for AMY!
I liked MaskCara on FB. I’m voting for AMY!
I like Kissable Complexions on FB. VOTE AMY!
I like Little Miss Fearless on FB. I’m voting for AMY!
I liked your photography page on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble!
I shared the contest on insta! I vote for Makenzie!
I vote for Amy Dyreng for the senior contest.
I vote for Amy Dyreng in the senior photo session contest!
I shared the link for the senior photo contest and the photographer link and voted for Amy Dyreng!
I subscribe to your page and I vote for AMY!!!
I subscribe to The Girl in the Yellow Dress and I vote for AMY!!!
I subscribe to MaskCara and I vote for AMY!!!
I follow Kissable Complexions and I vote for AMY!!!!!
I follow for Little Miss Fearless and vote for AMY!!!
I liked all 5 vendors on FB and all 5 votes are for AMY!!! 🙂
I thought I already commented but i’m not seeing it. Anyway, I liked Tracy Layne Portraits on FB, I vote for Makenzie Brumble!
Also I like Tracy Layne of FB and I vote for Amy!
I also subscribed to your site! Vote for AMY!
I subscribed to Girl in the yellow dress, Mascara, Kissable, & the Little Miss websites and also liked all of them on facebook…
I am voting for CAROLINE.
I follow you on FB..I vote for Amy Dyreng!
I like Kissable Connections and I vote for Amy Dyreng!
I subscribed to your site. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to The Girl in the Yellow Dress. I vote for makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Little Miss Fearless. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Kissable Complextions. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Maskcara and I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I follow you blog. I vote for my granddaughter makenzie
i followed Maskcara blog. I vote for Makenzie
I followed the yellow dress girl I vote for makenzie
I followed Kissable complexions blog I vote for Makenzie
I followed Little miss fearless blog. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I shared the link for the senior photo contest
I shared the link for the senior photo contest – and vote for AMY!
I shared the photographer link and voted for Amy!
I like you on FB and vote for AMY!!
I like The Girl in the Yellow Dress on FB and vote for AMY!
I like MaskCara on FB and vote for Amy
I like Kissable Complexions and vote for AMY!
I like Little Miss Fearless on FB on and vote for AMY!!!!!
I subscribed to your blog. I vote for makenzie
I liked the Girl in the yellow dress on FB. I vote for makenzie
I liked Maskcara on FB. I vote for makenzie brumble
I subscribed to Girl int he yellow dress. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Little miss Fearless on FB. I vote for Makenzie
I subscribed to Maskcara. i vote for Makenzie
I subscribed to Little Miss Fearless. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Kissable complexions on Fb. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to Kissable Complexions. i vote for Makenzie B
I subscribed to everyones blog/website except Tracy’s didn’t let me with an email…I have no idea.
I liked/followed all of the vendors fb pages.
I vote for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I subscribed to The Girl in The Yellow Dress! My vote is for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I subscribed to Maskcara! My vote is for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I subscribed to Maskcara! I vote for Kaitlyn Jaster.
I subscribed to kissable complexions and I vote for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I subscribed to little miss fearless and I vote for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I like Little Miss Fearless and I vote for Amy Dyreng!
I like Maskcara on FB. I vote for Amy D.
I followed Little Miss Fearless Facebook page and I vote for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I like the Girl in the yellow dress on FB. I vote for Amy D.
I shared the link for the senior session contest. I vote for Amy D.
I followed Kissable Complexions on Facebook and i vote for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I followed Kissable Complexions on Facebook and i vote for Kaitlyn Jaster.
I liked Maskcaras facebook page and I vote for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I liked the Girl in The Yellow Dress Facebook Page! My vote is for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I follow the girl in the yellow dress & vote for Bailey.
I follow MaskCara & vote for Bailey.
I follow Kissable Complexions & vote for Bailey.
I follow Little Miss Fearless & vote for Bailey.
I follow Tracy Layne Portraits & vote for Bailey.
I subscribed to all 5 Vendors & vote for Bailey.
I subscribed to your blog. I vote for Makenzie B
I subscribed to the girl in the yellow dress. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to maskcara. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to little miss fearless. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I subscribed to kiissable Complexions. i vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Little Miss Fearless on Facebook. I vote for Amy Dyreng!!
I liked Kissable Complexions on Facebook. I Vote for AMY DYRENG
I liked MaskCara. I vote for AMY
I liked The Girl in the Yellow Dress. I vote for Amy
I signed up for your blog. I vote for Makenzie B
I signed up on Maskcara. I vote for Makenzie
I singed up on Girl in the yellow dress. I vote for makenzie
I singed up on Kissable complexions. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I singed up on Little miss fearless. I vote for kenzie Brumble! 🙂
I signe d up on Girl in yellow dress. I vote for Makenzie Brumlbe
I liked your page on FB. I Vote for Makenzie Brumble
I like Maskcara on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Girl in the yellow dress on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Kissable Complexions on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked your page on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I liked Little Miss Fearless on FB. I vote for Makenzie Brumble
I suscribed to your page. I vote for Makenzie
I subscribed to Kissable Complexions. I vote for Makenzie
I subscribed to Little miss fearless. I vote for makenzie
I subscribed to Maskcara. I vote for Makenzie
I subscribed to girl in the yellow dress. I vote for Makenzie
I liked Little miss fearless on FB> I vote for Makenzie
I liked Maskcara on Fb. I vote for makenzie
I liked the girl in the yellow dress on Fb. I vote for Makenzie
I liked Kissable Complexions on FB. I vote for Makenzie
I subscribed to all the blogs and liked every Facebook page!
My vote is for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I subscribed to every bog and liked all the facebook pages. My vote is for Kaitlyn Jaster.
I subscribed to The girl in the yellow dress blog and liked her facebook page as well! My vote is for Kaitlyn Jaster
I subscribed to Maskcara and liked her fb page. My vote is for kaitlyn jaster!
I subscribed to kissable complexions and little miss fearless and liked both their facebook pages. My vote is for kaitlyn jaster.
I subscribed to your blog and liked your facebook page. My vote is for Kaitlyn Jaster!
I subscribed to the girl in the yellow dress. Vote for Kaitlyn J
I liked the girl in yellow dress fb page. Vote for kaitlyn j
I subscribed to maskcara. Vote for kaitlyn j
I liked maskcaras fb page. vote for kaitlyn jaster
I subscribed to kissable complexions. vote for kaitlyn jaster
i liked kissable complexions facebook page. vote for kaitlyn jaster
i subscribed to little miss fearless. vote for kaitlyn jaster
i liked little miss fearless fb page. vote for kaitlyn jaster
I subscribed to your blog. vote for kaitlyn jaster
I subscribed to all the vendors blogs and liked every facebook page!! All my votes go for Kaitlyn Jaster! 🙂
Liked every facebook page! Also subscribed to all of the websites!! My votes go towards Kaitlyn Jaster.
I liked every single facebook page and vote for the one and only Kaitlyn Jaster!!!!
Subscribed to every website. My vote—-to Kaitlyn Jaster!!!!
I followed all the steps in #1 and #2. Liked every facebook page and subscribed to the websites. I vote for my bff Kaitlyn Jaster! 🙂
Followed the vendors websites and liked every Facebook page! I vote for Kaitlyn Jaster 🙂
Did everything in 1 and 2! I vote for Kaitlyn Jaster!!
Did everything in 1 and 2. Vote for Kaitlyn J!!!